I am one of Dr Ciaran O'Keeffe's many graduates (2008) from the famous (or infamous) School of Parapsychology; one of the first ppsy online courses in the UK open for anyone in the world to enrol on. (other than actually going to uni and studying psychology). Rhine Research Center are now offering online courses in parapsychology.
I was one of the first alumni, not that that means anything, other than I was one of the first to part with my money. It was an expensive course, time-consuming and not particularly interesting, I wanted to do it but it was a bit like forcing yourself to go to the gym because you have payed your yearly sub. I did a dissertation on the early parapsychologist G.N.M Tyrrell and his dualism theory.
I was one of the first alumni, not that that means anything, other than I was one of the first to part with my money. It was an expensive course, time-consuming and not particularly interesting, I wanted to do it but it was a bit like forcing yourself to go to the gym because you have payed your yearly sub. I did a dissertation on the early parapsychologist G.N.M Tyrrell and his dualism theory.
Ciaran is very strict with his marking, on another essay I did, he marked me down for my style of writing, it was 'a little too creative for academia', which he pulled me over, I would have rather he concentrated on its content. I pointed out to Ciaran that marking students down because they were not writing in an academic writing style was unfair. The average Joe's off the street like me who are interested in studying parapsychology for the first time may not have any academic experience. Students to the course were from all walks of life; from the serious researchers to home-makers wanting to fill their day. I thought that was the whole point of the course, so that everyone could have a go and that it was not just for the elite. It is to university (undergraduate) standard and has to be penned in a scholastic way.
Once the course has been completed Ciaran moves on to the next batch of students ready to transfer their cash. Once your done, it's hard to get any more feedback from him (if you are lucky). However, you can keep in touch with other alumni via the website.
Some say parapsychology is a pseudo-science, whilst others say it is a bona fide science.
SCOP is not a university (as some people seem to think) it is an online course run by a psychologist/criminologist, the school does not educate you on how to be a ghost hunter and does not give you the right to call yourself a parapsychologist.
...within the paranormal field, my advice is, to study critical thinking and use it, read up about or study human psychology or take it one step further and read about anomalistic psychology. But, always use common sense because, you can't buy that! And if you don't, you might make yourself look like a total prick!! Whatever you believe, the paranormal is a notoriously unfriendly place and that's not just the demons or the ghost of Kreed Kafer.
Dr Ciaran O'Keeffe on LiveScifi
Talks about the disturbing accounts that happened regarding the Enfield Poltergeist case