Silly headline found in the Coventry Telegraph newspaper online -
"Tourists on Coventry ghost walk frozen in shock when apparition appears"
Slight exaggeration maybe? This is a trivial sensationalistic article at best, a non-story by the press and made up stories by the ghost group too. But it made me smile nonetheless. Just goes to show, sometimes it's all make believe!! For entertainment purposes only!
The bookstore owner sounded a bit peed off.
Personally, all paranormal stories without good evidence should be taken with a pince of salt. Whether they were told just now or generations ago.
Rob Gill
This news article seems to be hitting a raw nerve amongst certain members of the paranormal community.Do you remember when I expressed concern about so called, `Ghost walks` simply making it all up as they go along? And remember how I said that these lies were adversely affecting the ghostly history of locations? Well here such a `Ghost Guide` was called out by the resident of a property that the tour stopped at. To me, these brazen peddlers of untruths could actually be committing criminal deception because they are lying to paying tourists who genuinely think their tales to be real. Would they have consented to the walk if they knew or felt the stories to be questionable? Of course not. Add these people to newspaper reports, television and radio, and what you have is nothing, absolutely nothing, but very damaging to those like you who want the paranormal treated on an equal platform. These people bring nothing but contempt and scorn.- Chris Halton